Thursday 21 March 2013

New Life...

well, Assalamualaikum...salam sejahtera...
straight to the point, 
what i mean new life is... our new life just started! 
well, it`s not the end of my life...
basically was....yesterday i just got my spm`s result,,,
and for sure it`s not too good....
i didn`t fail but, it just not as high as other`s expected...
tapi kalau ikuutkan target aku...
memang aku target....takdak A pun..haha..
i`m not sad....but planing, where my destination after this...
it`s not berbaloi for me to meratap benda yang dah lepas....
terima ja la kenyataan....

for my beloved friend....
yang berjaya dalam SPM...
congratulation!! to you...
bina masa depan yang lebih cerah dan mudah dengan resut yang hang dapat tu....

and for failures....

it`s not the end of our life...
we just need to set our mind in positive way...
nowadays, there are many institute that will receive us,
even thought, it not university, it just 'kemahiran institute'...
who`s know? it`s our destiny, our rezeki...
rezeki masing-masing tak sama...
we just need to find it in right way....
perjalanan hidup penuh dengan liku-liku....

and here i wanna share a story about straight A`s person..
aku ada tebaca dalam facebook`s comment,
ada sorang kakak ni, dia budak maktab...
result spm dia...dia dapat straight...
masa tu dia rasa dah hebat gila dah ni...bangga gila..
then dia pun sambunglah buat foundation, ambik IB...
you know IB, it for who want to be doctor...for medic course..
and for fly to oversea....
and...malangnya,,, kakak tu kantoi dalam IB, sebabnya, dia rasa IB tu susah gila...
and the reality is..memang susah pon..haha...
dia tak boleh fly sebab pointer tak cukup...
then dia cakap, tak guna pun dapat straight A`s... sebab benda tu tak menjamin pun yang dia boleh fly buat medic...
the important is, masa kita selepas spm tu....fikir betul2 apa jalan yang kita ambik...
banyak sangat jalan yang kita boleh ambik...
jangan bunuh diri ja...haha...
and then, kakak tu kena ulang balik from zero....ambik diploma balik and now, she`s in degree...
everyone will face failure...but don`t make that failure to ruined our life...
every failure point is a starter for a better life,,,,

it`s just starting of our new life....

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